My rating of this book may not be entirely reliable, since I’ve read few humor books to compare it to. But I enjoy the author’s
blog – a reliable site to visit when I’m looking for something funny,* and she updates several times a week to boot – and I definitely enjoyed this too; it made me laugh out loud many times.
This starts out as a memoir but becomes more blog-esque toward the end, perhaps because the timeline overlaps with her actual blog. It is not for sensitive readers – there’s lots of dead (often taxidermied) animals, cursing, and references to vaginas – but if you don’t mind that it’s full of hilarious stories. My favorites are the turkeys, the bobcat, the inner workings of HR, and the giant metal chicken! It’s not all just laughs though – the story of the author’s romance with her husband is very sweet, and there’s some heavier material dealing with miscarriages and physical and mental illness. Though her lack of social skills makes for some entertaining stories too!
I think I still prefer the blog – there are times in the book when the author seems to be trying too hard, as in the supposed notes to and from her editor, and the whole first chapter. But although there were some sections that fell flat for me, I had a great time with it overall. Recommended, but check out the blog first to make sure it’s your kind of humor.
* Though she did once post that link to an article about the Dyatlov Pass Incident that ruined my weekend. Thanks, asshole.